Whisky and spirit lovers will soon be able to enjoy their favourite tipple in the knowledge that they are helping to cut carbon emissions, as part of a £10m funding announcement to help UK distilleries go green by switching to low carbon fuels such as hydrogen.


Announced today, by Kwasi Kwarteng, Minister for Energy and Clean Growth, the funding will kick-start green innovation across Scotland’s distillery industry and will encourage distilleries across the UK to harness energy sources such as low-carbon hydrogen, biomass and repurposed waste to power operations.

英国能源和清洁发展部长,Kwasi Kwarteng今天宣布,该项目资金将启动苏格兰酒厂的绿色创新,并鼓励全英国的酿酒厂利用像是低碳氢,生物质能和废弃物再生发电等能源。

“Our plan to deliver a carbon-neutral future doesn’t just mean new jobs in industries but helping some of our oldest industries play their part as well. We want to harness the tremendous innovation of our distilleries so customers can enjoy their favourite tipple in the knowledge they are helping us to tackle climate change,” Kwarteng said.


In 2019, the UK distilleries industry grew by 20%, demonstrating the opportunity for the sector to be at the heart of a clean and resilient recovery. The funding will help such facilities prevent pollution equivalent to emissions from 100,000 cars from entering the atmosphere, contributing towards the UK net zero carbon target.


The funding has been welcomed by trade bodies in both Scotland and Northern Ireland, which are home to the vast majority of the UK’s world-famous distilleries.


Dagmar Droogsma, Director of Industry at the Scotch Whisky Association, said, “The Scotch Whisky industry welcomed the new Green Distilling Fund announced in the March Budget as an important step on our sustainability journey. The use of innovative technology is among several approaches that the industry could adopt as it works towards net zero by 2045, as outlined in our recent net zero report.”

苏格兰威士忌协会的行业主管,Dagmar Droogsma说:“苏格兰威士忌行业欢迎3月份预算中宣布的新的绿色蒸馏基金,这是我们可持续发展道路上的重要一步。正如我们最近在净零排放报告中所概念的那样,为了实现2045年的净零排放,工业行业可采用的几种方法之一就是采用创新的技术。”

“This Fund will provide us with the opportunity to put forward bids for demonstration projects for so-far untested technologies, helping the Scotch Whisky industry play its part in reaching Scotland’s emissions targets.”


